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Ascend Church Fall Fest

15865 S Ridgeview Rd 15865 S Ridgeview Rd, Olathe, KS, United States

Your family will get to enjoy indoor activities, outdoor inflatables and delicious treats plus a food truck. Please come to the welcome/registration table at the front of the church upon arrival to pick-up your family's wristbands so they can participate in the activities. We look forward to seeing you at Fall Fest! Thank you! RSVP your family here: https://ascendkc.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/2403693 

Ascend Church Stand Firm Men’s Conference

15865 S Ridgeview Rd 15865 S Ridgeview Rd, Olathe, KS, United States

Self-Discipline for the Man of Christ 1 Peter 1:13 - Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.  Men, in order for us to Stand Firm for Christ, and win the battle over temptation and sin, we have to fight the battle in the right place.  The question is where?  We learn from Peter under the inspiration of The Holy Spirit, that it's in the mind.  We have to deal with sin in the mind.  We have to prepare our minds for action.  Gird up the loins of our mind.  Be sober-minded, self-controlled and steadfast in our thought life.  All for the sake of Christ! We look forward to having you join us for our 2nd Annual Stand Firm Conference and we pray you'll be encouraged and equipped to Stand Firm for Christ!  Register here: https://ascendkc.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/2279471