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Supporting BIPOC-owned Businesses through Comcast RISE Program

Supporting BIPOC-owned Businesses through Comcast RISE Program


Comcast RISE — which stands for “Representation, Investment, Strength and Empowerment” — is offering the opportunity for a technology makeover to suburban Kansas City small businesses owned by Black, Indigenous and People of Color-owned (BIPOC) under-represented groups. More than 700 Black-owned small businesses across the country have received support to date, and now eligible BIPOC-owned small businesses in the Kansas City Comcast service areas can now apply for the next wave of RISE through May 7.


Eligible businesses include those at least 51% BIPOC owned; premise-based independently owned and operated; registered as a business in the U.S.; in operation for more than a year; and, located within Comcast’s suburban Kansas City service area. Businesses can apply for a technical makeover directly online at www.comcastrise.com/apply/.


The Comcast RISE technology makeover includes computer equipment and Comcast Business Internet, Voice and Cybersecurity services for 12 months. And, while the marketing and investment fund portions of the program are not yet available in the Kansas City area, we anticipate expanding Comcast RISE opportunities in the months ahead.


Comcast encourages and invites all eligible BIPOC businesses to take advantage of this opportunity. “We know the past year has been challenging, traumatic and tragic for so many in our community, and 2021 will no doubt bring its own set of issues,” remarked Kalyn Howe, vice president, Comcast Business, Kansas City Area.   “And, although we can’t directly address all the complex, systemic issues BIPOC-owned businesses are facing, we are fully committed to helping to drive change and support the long process of ensuring equity, diversity and inclusion.  Through Comcast RISE, we hope to create sustainable impact and meaningful support for the small businesses shaping our communities. After all, at the end of the day, it’s about doing the right thing.”


For more information, or to apply for a Comcast RISE technology makeover, visit www.comcastrise.com/apply.