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Ultra-accessible amusement Park centerpiece of Olathe Gateway project

Over the past decade, James Arkell and his wife have been exposed to some pretty amazing environments along with their special-needs son, Michael.

More importantly, they’ve seen what was missing.

And after a visit to Morgan’s Wonderland in San Antonio several years ago, something clicked for James Arkell.

They made a visit to Morgan’s Wonderland, a fully accessible amusement park deep in the heart to Texas that offers those with special needs all of the same opportunities as everyone else. That gave Arkell the idea to build an amusement park that aims to create rides and attractions that will give dignity to every visitor.

“Over the past 10 years, we’ve been exposed to a number of communities and environments that we never knew were out there,” Arkell said. “We wanted to take the resources that we have and replicate something we discovered in San Antonio.”

Morgan’s Wonderland gave them inspiration.

“The reason was very simple. I have 10-year-old son with a very rare genetic condition,” Arkell said. “He’s non verbal, in a wheelchair, with limited mobility, but the coolest kid you’ve ever met in your life.”

They had the motivation, they were then on the lookout for the opportunity.

Enter Olathe Gateway, a $338 million mixed-use district featuring 67,000 square feet of restaurant and retail space, a 25,000 sq. ft. medical office building, sports arena and an all-abilities theme park.

3 D Rendering Of The Development Central Core Looking At The Theme Park, Hotel, And Arena

A couple of weeks ago, the Olathe City Council approved a sales tax revenue (STAR) bond district on 130 acres at the southwest and northeast corners of 119th Street and Renner in mid-September and the group is hoping for a mid-2026 opening for the first phase of development on the SW corner. Michael’s Wonder World is the centerpiece of the development.

“We were already working on a huge sports project when the opportunity for the land on the SW corner of 119th presented itself,” he added.

And so, the journey began. Well, actually, it’s been in the works for a while.

“It started several years ago with (former and late Olathe Mayor) Michael Copeland and (current City Manager) Michale Wilkes,” Arkell said. “You could see the passion and vision that they have for the City of Olathe and what they had accomplished over the last 20 years.”

The relationship that Arkell fostered with the City of Olathe has remained has turned into a great partnership that will turn this wonderful dream into a reality. And it’s not just a partnership between Loretto and the City of Olathe, either.

“I’ve said this before, I think this is going to be the best representation of public, private, non-profit, for profit, you name it,” he said. “Everyone is coming together to make this happen and that’s not easy to do.

“We’re not getting any handouts, we’re getting a little help to develop something new, something that will have a generational impact on that region.”


Olathe Gateway Plan 2000

Morgan’s Wonderland houses a medical office called Morgan’s Multi-Assistance Center, a concept Loretto hopes to emulate in Olathe. Those with mental or developmental disabilities may have to visit multiple specialists, so the assistance center would streamline the process by bringing specialists and social service providers under one roof.

Loretto and their teams are hoping to replicate as much as they can here in Olathe to make the Olathe Gateway Project truly one of a kind.

“There are a lot of people down there that have a shared mission and that’s to give everyone a seat at the table, especially those who different abilities and challenges,” Arkell added. “We’ve been working with them for a year and a half and see if we can replicate what they have down there and bring it up here to KC.

At the same time, we want to shine a light on all the great things happening in Olathe, while bringing something that would only be the second in the world. We want to improve the lives of all these wonderful kids and make it easier for families out there to really be together as a family.”

With a shared vision, a lot of help from the folks that put together Morgan’s Wonderland and a great team here in Olathe, Arkell sees no reason why this can’t be another amazing all-inclusion

“A lot of happy tears have been shed already, which is all the more reason we get it right and get it done,” Arkell said.